Is there an upfront payment for product supply? + |
Yes, there is a fee that needs to be borne by the client, which depends on the complexity of the project to be implemented.
Is there a credit line that banks will be offering to a residential client? + |
The costs for implementing a sustainable energy project can be supported by accessing a personal loan.
Can I benefit from a discount for implementing a project? + |
We recommend that you follow the company’s activity online as we periodically offer attractive discount codes. Generally, such codes are sent through email.
Which is the minimum and maximum duration for project implementation? + |
The duration for project implementation may vary depending on the number of panels installed or the weather conditions. We only work with professionals, therefore we do not cause any inconvenience neither we perform any work with the intent of lengthening the implementation duration.
Can I apply if I have a company headquarters, a branch, or legal/economic activities at the implementation address? + |
- NO, according to Article 16, point (1) letter e) of the Funding Guide, this situation is regulated as follows: “the property on which the project is implemented is not encumbered in favor of a legal person or an entity engaged in economic activities.”
If I want to install the panel system on land (e.g., ground-mounted), is it necessary to provide proof of ownership rights over the construction? + |
- YES. According to Article 16(1) of the Funding Guide, if the photovoltaic panel system serving the construction is installed on land, the applicant must be the owner or have a right of use over the land, as indicated in the land register extract.
- NO. The applicant whose ownership rights over the construction and/or land are provisionally registered in the land register is not eligible.
- If the photovoltaic panel system serving the construction is installed on land, in addition to the land register extract related to the construction, a land register extract not older than 60 days from the application date must be provided, showing that the applicant is the owner or has a right of use over the land.
If I already have a photovoltaic panel system installed or have an approved system through the Casa Verde program in the 2019 or 2021 session, and I want to apply for this program for the same property, is it possible? + |
- YES, if the photovoltaic system was installed using your own funds and NOT through previous Casa Verde sessions, you are eligible.
- NO, if there is an approved request in a previous Casa Verde session (whether the funding contract has been signed or not), you are NOT eligible.
- NO, if you have installed a photovoltaic system using other sources of public funding, you are NOT eligible.
If I own a property within a building with multiple apartments or a row of houses, can I apply for funding for that property? + |
- YES, only if the property does not consist of more than 2 apartments/duplexes according to the collective land register extract.
If I own multiple properties, can I apply for funding for all of them? + |
- NO. According to the Funding Guide, article 18 paragraph (4), the Applicant can apply only once within a session, for a single property.
Does the individual sign the funding application at the time of registration? + |
- NO. The individual participates in the Program by completing the predefined fields in the online application and uploading the required documents as specified in the funding guide;
- In this regard, there is NO separate funding application.
If there are multiple owners of the property where the project is intended to be implemented, who applies for the funding? + |
- Any of the co-owners can apply for funding, regardless of their ownership share, and without the need for consent from the other owners.
- However, the applicant will also need to have the network connection contract with the distribution operator for the project settlement file.
If a minor is the owner of the property on which the project is intended to be implemented, who should register in the application and what documents need to be submitted? + |
- In the situation where the owner of the property on which the project is intended to be implemented is a minor, they will be represented by their parent or guardian, as applicable. In the application, the birth certificate of the minor or the act establishing guardianship, depending on the situation, should be submitted.
- Additionally, the fiscal certificates from ANAF (National Agency for Fiscal Administration) and the local authority, as specified in the guide, must be issued in the name of the minor.
If I do not reside, according to my identification document, at the address where I intend to implement the project, can I apply for funding under the Program? + |
- NO. According to the Funding Guide, “the individual applicant must be domiciled at the address where the project will be implemented.” Proof of residency through a temporary residence permit is NOT accepted.
If I am the heir of the property on which I intend to implement the project, can I apply for financing under the Program? + |
- YES, however, in the case of inheritance, for properties where the deceased is registered in the land register, it is necessary to go through the inheritance process and register the heirs in the land register as the new owners.
If I only have a right of usufruct over the property where I want to implement the project, can I apply for funding under the Program? + |
- NO, because the applicant must be the owner of the building property where the photovoltaic panel system is installed, as indicated in the land register extract. The mere right of usufruct does NOT confer ownership rights to the holder.
Can I benefit from financing if the building is not registered as a residential property but has a different purpose, such as a vacation home, industrial building, tourist guesthouse, etc.? + |
- NO. According to the funding guide, Article 16, Point 1, Letter e), the land registry extract must indicate that the property is exclusively designated for residential use or includes annexes that serve residential purposes.
Can I apply if I have a mortgage loan at the implementation address? + |
- YES. There is no need for the bank’s approval.